Fiche cheval coeur en or

- R5C1

haiecourse a conditions 1465le lion d'angers3700M23000prix jean de la sayette14 partantsdépart à 14:59
12bella du davierF46s3s5h3h(23)t.andrieux4.7/104:27
24celtic jabaarH4Th4h6h7h9h0pd.carre8.6/17 l 1/2
33coeur en orF4Th(23)As8h4hc.lefebvre8.8/15 l
45kaid de laprelleH45hr.mayeur6.2/13 l 1/2
59xatH42s1pTsJsAh8hm.cypria20/1cte enc.
612vaumeryH40hc.riou19/13/4 l
711kapitaine morvanH4Aha.blais46/116 l
814kap kelsyF4Inéditeo.jouin11/16 l
91denham blackH45h3h9p8sAhAss.paillard25/111 l
8beautiful strangerH4Ah0p0p(23)0pt.blainville62/1
10choeur killerH4Inédita.coupu40/1
13rose du razF4(23)5h3h6p4pe.metivier36/1

- R2C7

haiecourse a conditions 2731strasbourg3800M30000prix parions sur hippodrome12 partantsdépart à 12:05
112balling de juilleyF44p0p6p(23)1pc.smeulders9.6/104:40
22nuage bleuH4(23)3h2hk.dubourg2.5/14 l
33vulcanioH45h8h3p6p4p(2c.lefebvre9.4/18 l
46miami skyF47h6h(23)4hTht.beaurain26/12 l 1/2
55top makerH43hn.gauffenic14/16 l
611amilyF45h7p6p0p6p6pa.roussel95/11 l 1/2
77kateF42h5h3hJh6h(2q.jacob10/15 l
81seal rocksF47h1h2s7h8h2hq.defontaine4.5/11 l
98galidor du moulinF48h3h6hThAh(2n.howie18/16 l
109leryF40h0p0p0p7p7pc. poincot33/12 l 1/2
4coeur en orF4(23)As8h4h2hd.lecomte25/1

- R1C1

steeplechasea reclamer 15778compiegne3450M26000prix royal palm beachcomber luxury (prix kerlor)10 partantsdépart à 11:59
17moon of the gladeH34h4h7p0p8p7pq.jacob26/104:40
29kadence de meeF33h2h5h9hAh3hm.carney5.5/113 l
34zilia rebelH33s4s4sAs3s8hc.riou14/13 l
41money moneyH34s5h1h3h4h(2v.morin4.3/110 l
55french buck'sH37s6s6s7hAh4pn.howie10/15 l
62papillon cyanH34hAs1s3s4s4hl.vandamme3.9/11/2 l
710kendohaF33s9p0p5p6p7pc.poincot33/120 l
3kodelo de kerserH31s6p5p5pl.brechet5.7/1
6chere lougieF35s5sAhAh7p0pl.suisse36/1
8coeur en orF38h4h2h4hAhd.lecomte13/1

- R3C4

haiea reclamer 17447auteuil3500M26000prix de coye8 partantsdépart à 11:27
26katell des blinsF39h7h4ha.desvaux26/16 l
32karmixF32h4h1h5hc.poincot5/11 l 3/4
47cheap mondayF36h8ht.andrieux12/16 l
58mandyF32h5h5h8p7p0pb.fouchet35/13 l
61ka fee innF31h6h3h2h6h1hl.vandamme1.9/14 l
74kerry du ribF3Inéditen.ferreira13/12 l 1/2
83coeur en orF34h2h4hAhd.lecomte4.6/115 l

- R5C5

haiea reclamer 18816auteuil3000M26000prix amati8 partantsdépart à 16:07
11ka fee innF36h3h2h6h1hAhl.vandamme2.7/103:40
23karmixF34h1h5hc.poincot5.8/12 l 1/2
34dune verteF33s4h6h5hn.howie4.9/1nez
42coeur en orF32h4hAhm.carney4.3/11 l 1/4
55a fly girlF35p9p0p6p(22)t.andrieux13/110 l l
77fleur australeF36h0hm.behocaray13/11 l 1/4
6opaline bascF3Ah9pc.smeulders41/1

- R3C1

haiea reclamer 24313auteuil3000M26000prix burgrave ii7 partantsdépart à 09:47
25coeur en orF34hAhm.carney5.5/13/4 l
34kadence de meeF34h5ha.lelievre3/11 l 1/4
43kapchounikaF32hb.marchand2.7/11/2 l
51the verveF36hn.ferreira21/110 l
66white cliffF36p7p8p(22)0pg.re6.5/13 l
77chopa chopeF30p4p8p(22)0pt.blainville30/18 l

- R3C1

haiea reclamer 25208fontainebleau3000M20000prix de la tour denecourt9 partantsdépart à 09:50
11miss kentF36h8p(22)0p0pb.le clerc2.8/103:31
34kenya du seuilF35hAhn.howie5/12 l
46coeur en orF3Aht.vabois23/11 l
55karmixF3Inéditel.vandamme13/12 l
69black waveF3Inéditeg.faivre-picon20/110 l
78lady revillyF38hl.solignac15/12 l 1/2
87kiss you sivolaF3Inéditec.riou7.4/110 l
93personnal chopeF3Ah(22)0p0p0pf.giles6.3/120 l

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